Senefelder Misset

Process industry Doetinchem


Senefelder Misset is the printer for magazines, (travel) brochures, catalogues and related products. They work for almost all major publishing houses in the Netherlands, Belgium and an increasing number of German and French publishers.



In the printing industry, delivering high quality is essential, especially when printing brochures and catalogues. At our company, optimising production processes and ensuring top quality is paramount.

For Senefelder, we developed a customised turn-key humidification system. This system is designed to ensure accurate and uniform air humidity throughout the year in the halls where the printing process takes place. This not only optimises the production process, but also significantly improves the quality of the printed matter.

Investing in Cumulus humidification enables our customers, such as Senefelder, to achieve consistent, high-quality results. This project is an illustration of our commitment to innovation and customer-oriented customisation, which ultimately leads to improvements in both operational efficiency and end-product quality.


Not only craftsmanship and project efficiency are of great importance to us, but also the well-being and working comfort of employees. This principle is the core of our corporate culture and is also reflected in our recent cooperation with Senefelder.

The humidification system at Senefelder also ensures an extra pleasant working environment for employees. The system is designed to maintain optimal humidity levels in the halls where the printing takes place, creating a comfortable and productive working environment.

By investing in innovative solutions that promote both productivity and well-being, we show that we not only deliver projects of the highest quality, but also value staff experience and satisfaction. With us, it's about more than just work; it's about creating an environment in which everyone thrives.


Following an invitation from Senefelder, we personally visited their print company. During this visit, we not only demonstrated our high-quality solutions, but also showed how our team of experts add value. This convinced Senefelder to choose Cumulus as their partner.

After a smooth implementation of the entire installation, we have not only been able to provide high-quality periodic maintenance and service, but Senefelder were also pleased to serve as a reference for new customers.

Our customer relationship is built on trust, expertise and the constant pursuit of excellence. At Cumulus, we go beyond just delivering projects; we build lasting partnerships that are founded on quality and reliability.

Discover your possibilities with Cumulus

Cumulus. Engineers in humidification.

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Source video: Dock35 Marketing