Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital

Hospital Amsterdam


The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek is the hospital and research institute specialising in cancer. Since its foundation in 1913, the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek has combined the care of cancer patients with groundbreaking research.


The Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, a leader in cancer healthcare and research since 1913, has realised an innovative project in collaboration with Cumulus Nederland. Cumulus Nederland has provided the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek advanced air humidification systems. In research environments, air humidity plays a crucial role in obtaining reliable research results. Careful control of humidity contributes to a stable and consistent environment, essential for ensuring the accuracy and reproducibility of experiments. In addition, humidification was implemented by the building, which helped create a more comfortable climate for patients, staff and visitors. Especially in hospitals, maintaining optimal humidity levels is very important for the well-being of those present.


Our innovative turn-key system not only contributes to the optimal implementation of human healthcare, but also creates a pleasant working environment. It emphasises our commitment to the well-being of patients, staff and visitors. We do this by ensuring that they can work under the best possible conditions. For us, not only the quality of care and work is a paramount, but also the comfort and satisfaction of patients, staff and visitors, which ultimately contributes to the success of healthcare satisfaction and researches.


The technical advisor of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital was the deciding factor in choosing Cumulus. So we visited the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and after we showed what quality we deliver for them, the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek decided to partner with us. To this day, we provide the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek with periodic maintenance.

Discover your possibilities with Cumulus

Cumulus. Engineers in Humidification.

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